Many people are understandably eager to ensure their property is kept safe from burglars. The best approach to handling burglary is preventing it in the first place.

In this article, we’ll go over some of the best ways to keep your property protected from criminals and how best to deter them.

Effective Home Security Systems

The best way to protect a property from Burglars and deter them from even attempting to access your home is relatively simple, the installation of visible home security systems.

Recent studies by the police have found 84% of burglars will avoid a home equipped with a visible home security system. In the simplest possible terms, the reason for this is because burglars do not have any interest in difficult targets or properties which might give them any trouble. A security system increases the chances of being caught, and even prosecuted. As such, a burglar will most likely avoid a property.

We’ll discuss below two of the most effective home security systems professionals can provide. Burglar Alarms Glasgow and CCTV.

Burglar Alarms

Modern Burglar Alarm systems are well regarded as one of the most effective means of protecting your home. One study found that 60% of burglars interviewed would avoid a home equipped with a visible alarm system. Another study found that 80% of burglars who entered a property and had an alarm go off would attempt to immediately leave.

The reasons for this are as simple as ever. An alarm system going off makes a lot of noise and draws a lot of attention, and the last thing a burglar wants is any attention; it maximises the potential of being caught, apprehended, and prosecuted. Burglars rarely want any kind of confrontation, and so will make a serious effort to avoid a property which has this kind of protection.

Modern alarm systems can be equipped to alert the police upon detecting an intruder. Not only is this a fantastic way to guarantee the protection of your property, but it is a fantastic way to ensure an intruder is warded off. Many burglars are aware of these features, and so will avoid properties with a visible alarm system.

One thing that should be warned against is the use of ‘dummy’ or fake alarms. While the visible presence of an alarm system is often enough to deter criminals, fake alarms are rather easy to detect and identify – and often prove inviting since burglars will assume there aren’t other security systems present in the property.


CCTV, alongside a Burglar Alarm system, is by far one of the best ways to keep your property protected. In a Co-op insurance study, CCTV was found to be the number 1 deterrent by professional burglars. There’s good reason for this; CCTV systems ability to record footage means even in the case of a successful crime, the potential to be caught is still there.

This is not to mention the serious worry for a criminal over a prosecution. CCTV evidence of committing a crime effectively guarantees a prosecution for the burglar, and as such, many burglars have 0 interest in a property where breaking and entering could see them being prosecuted.

Modern CCTV systems come with effective features such as remote monitoring and remote access, meaning there’s the ability for true 24/7 protection of the property. Remote monitoring by professionals can ensure the police are alerted to any

It also means you can constantly be checking on the status of your home. Criminals are aware of this and will try to avoid properties equipped with CCTV because of it.

CCTVs versatility and the wide range of both wired and wireless options makes it a highly popular choice for home security. 

Other Ways of Deterring Criminals

Keeping Lights on

Keeping lights on or using outdoor lights in your garden gives your home the appearance of activity and this alone is fantastic for encouraging criminals to avoid your property. The appearance of activity or occupation is often enough for criminals to avoid a property, as they’ve no interest in a confrontation and are looking for easy targets. As such, making your property look like its occupied can do a huge amount to keep your home safe.

Keeping Doors and Windows Secure

By keeping your windows and doors secure, you can ensure criminals have no easy entrances to your home. Many burglars will not attempt to forcibly break into a property, but simply slip in by opening an unlocked window or door. Always ensure your doors and windows are locked. At the same time, older windows (with their rickety frames and weak single pane windows) are often appealing to criminals as they are relatively easy to break and enter through.