Are you looking to replace your windows? Need an energy efficiency upgrade or dealing with leaks a bit too often for your liking? If so, you are in the right place with this guide giving you all the info you need to finding the perfect replacement windows for your home.

What you need to remember when looking for new windows is that they will be apart of your day to day life for 20 years or more unless you decide to sell, and even then they can affect property value, so this isn’t a decision to make lightly.

From energy efficiency ratings to how well your new windows will fit in with the aesthetic of your home

How much are new windows?

This will depend on whether you are replacing or repairing your windows, the type of windows you choose, and whether or not these need to be custom made for your property.

The main determining factor in the cost of a window unit is the type of material that is used but the overall cost of the project will depend on the number and size of the windows that are being replaced.

As you might expect, smaller windows tend to be cheaper than larger windows, although this isn’t always the case if the shape of the smaller window is unique and needs to be custom fit.

Certain energy saving upgrades such as triple glazed glass and thermos spacer bars can also have an influence on the price of the window but you will see a return on this additional investment over the years in as the additional level of energy efficiency saves you money on your annual heating bills.

Choosing the right new windows

New window installation

When looking for new windows Glasgow there are a few things that it is important to consider. The type of material used in the frame is one such factor.

uPVC windows are the most popular type of window on the market currently and provide a highly affordable and energy efficient option for modern homeowners. They come in a wide range of colours and styles, are incredibly easy to maintain and won’t crack or warp like a traditional wooden frame.

Despite the realism offered by uPVC wood grain effect finishes, the slightly plasticky look of uPVC means that they may not be suitable for older period properties who may decide, or be required if the property is listed, to opt for a wood frame window instead.

Modern property owners may also opt aluminium or a more futuristic looking material for their window frames.

Once you have picked the frame material you want you will then need to make the even harder decision of which type of window you wish to install.

There are a plethora of options in this regard including casement windows that are opened outwards from the top or side, sliding sash windows, and French windows that open from the middle of the window. You will also need to decide if you want a glass design on the window.

Once all these decisions have been made, you will then need to look for an energy efficient window that matches your requirements from a Local qualified installer with a track record for excellence.

Follow all these steps and you will be left with stylish high quality set of windows that last for many years.

What matters for you?

We can give you some top tips as to what to look for in new windows and hope we have done so in the article above. At the end of the day, however, the decision is yours and yours alone and the precise window unit you need will be dependent on personal taste and requirements.

Every property is different and you need to assess what it is that is most important to you, and most suitable for your home. Top hung windows, for example, are popular in areas that experience heavy rainfall on a regular basis as the angle at which they open allows water to simply drain away.

If it is functionality and energy efficiency you are after, a uPVC casement window, as standard as it may be, is hard to reach, whilst if you have a certain aesthetic in mind you might decide to have your windows customer built for an additional fee.

If you have any questions about how to find the perfect match for your new window needs, get in touch with a local new window installer who will be happy to come out to your property, discuss your needs with you, and give you a free quote. You might decide to get quotes from a couple of installers in the area to make sure that you aren’t getting ripped off and get the best possible deal.